Every Fresher Must Apply - Register Now

Accolite Recruitment 2023-Hiring Software Engineer -| BE/B-Tech/ME/M-Tech/MCA | Multiple | 4.5LPA*

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Accolite Is Hiring Company: Role: Education: Location: Experience: Salary: Accolite  Software Engineer BE, B-Tech, ME, M-Tech/ MCA Multiple Freshers 4.5LPA*

Accolite  Off-campus drive 2023 Freshers:-

Job Description

Accolite  Is hiring fresh candidates. We are here to inform you about All off-campus Hiring. Accolite off-campus drive 2023. We help you to find a better career. Please start your career as a fresher here at Accolite . Accolite is a reputed organization and you will get a better experience here by working as a fresh candidate. All managers at Accolite are working friendly. if you feel stuck They will Manage everything and give you time to build yourself confidently, a hard worker as well as the smart worker. Apart from that if you have any query related to work or you are not able to do a particular task or you have any error which you can’t solve. All the seniors are very friendly with the fresh candidates at Accolite and they will teach you “how to solve real-life problems”.

Are You looking For A Job - Register Now

The detailed eligibility and application process are given in below.

Location: Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Chennai, Mumbai

Capgemini Is Hiring Software Developers - Apply Now

As a software developer, you will be the brain behind crafting, developing, testing, going live and maintaining the system. You are passionate in understanding the business context for features built to drive better customer experience and adoption.

  • Familiar with the software development life cycle (SDLC) from analysis to deployment.
  • Comply with coding standards and technical design.
  • Believes in systematic approach to developing the system through clear documentation (flowcharts, layouts, & etc) of functionality, address every use case through creative solutions.
  • Adapts structured coding styles for easy review, testing and maintainability of the code.
  • Integrate the developed functionality and/or component into a fully functional system.
  • Ensure unit and integration level verification plan are in place and adheres to great quality of code at all times.
  • Active participation in troubleshooting, debugging, and updating current live system.
  • Verify user feedback in making system more stable and easier.
  • Work closely with analysts, designers, and other peer developers.
  • Preparing technical training documents for onboarding new engineer

How To Apply?

1Fill the form at the top.
2. Round 1 – You will be automatically redirected to the MCQ Assessment (You will also receive an email on your registered email id with the assessment details. You can take the assessment from the mail later as well).
3. You will need to complete the Round 1 MCQ assessment for your application to be considered for further rounds.
4. Round 2 – You will be getting an automated email if you clear Round 1. Round 2 assessment will be consisting of a Coding question.
5. Round 3 – Accolite TA team will reach out to you for setting up your Virtual Interview.

To Know More Details About this job Opportunity click the “Apply Now” Link Below.

How to Apply:- Accolite  Off-campus drive (Please Apply before Expire date of the link)

Method 1:- You can apply through the career page of Accolite.

Method 2:- You can apply through the direct link. which has been Provided.

To Apply Through Direct link:-

Step 1:- Click below Apply Now link.

Step 2:– You will be redirected to the career page of Accolite.

Step 3:– Fill in all required details in the form for which job you are applying:

Step 4:- Click on Submit Button.

Step 5:- Wait for a few days you will get a response from Accolite  soon regarding your interview Process

Accolite Recruitment 2023-Hiring Software Engineer -| BE/B-Tech/ME/M-Tech/MCA | Multiple | 4.5LPA*

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