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Amazon virtual Drive for Ads Content Reviewer|| Freshers || Any Graduate|| Remote|| 4-5LPA*

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Amazon Off-campus drive 2023 Freshers:-

Job Description

Amazon Is hiring fresh candidates. We are here to inform you of all the recent going on off-campus drives. Amazon off-campus drive 2022. We are here to help you to find a better career. W3hiring is also called worldwide web hiring. Please start your career as a fresher here at Amazon. Amazon is a reputed organization and you get a better experience here by working as a fresh candidate. All managers at Amazon are working friendly. if you feel stuck They will Manage everything and give you time to build yourself confidently, a hard worker as well as the smart worker. Apart from that if you have any query related to work or you are not able to do a particular task or you have any error which you can’t solve. All the seniors are very friendly with the fresh candidates at Amazon and they will teach you “how to solve real-life problems”.

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1. Organic product Review

  • Review relevance between search query and organic products based on Content Guidelines.
  • Check the relevance with quality and accuracy in detail.
  • Analyze data and evaluate trends/ patterns.
  • Recommend generic pattern to be translated into Rules.
  • Willingness to work with sensitive issues, including but not limited to Adult content, Religious and philosophically sensitive issues

2. Training & Coaching

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  • Coordinating training & mentoring sessions
  • Periodical review of work of new hires (with guidance of Supervisor) and providing on-going feedback in the initial training phase.
  • Develop training material for the team and lead training and development for the team.

3. Maintaining Updates & Documentation and Monitoring workflow

  • Escalating questions/issues from the team regarding the process and cascading updates to the team
  • Preparing & Maintaining Training documents, Wiki pages with updates, SOPs & any other documents
  • Preparing weekly process reports & sending these out to the concerned people
  • Monitoring workflow and re-assignment in the team & handling shift-issues, daily standups, updates and escalations.

4. Preferred Skills

  • Requires strong computer skills, Microsoft Office Applications (Excel, Power Point and Word) to maintain reports and metrics.
  • Should be flexible to work in night shifts and rotational weeks offs
  • Familiarity with online retail (e-commerce)
  • Strong background in web search and familiarity with various ways used for searching for information
  1. Preferred Language
  • Proficient in English. Candidate must demonstrate language proficiency in all the following: verbal, writing, reading and comprehension.

Basic qualifications:

  • Graduate degree in any discipline. 
  • Proficient in English language. 
  • Candidate must demonstrate language proficiency in all the following: verbal, writing, reading and comprehension.
  •  Demonstrated passion for delivering a positive customer experience, and maintain composure in *difficult situations 
  • Flexible to work in shifts and rotational week offs 
  • Ability to effectively and efficiently complete difficult goals or assignments. 
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills 
  • Confident in using MS-office (especially Excel)
  • Willingness to work with sensitive issues, including but not limited to: Adult content, Religious and philosophically sensitive issues, alcohol, tobacco, weapons and other potentially offensive products. 

Preferred qualifications

  • Advanced computer skills using a variety of programs highly desired.
  • Prior experience in online advertising preferred.

To Know More Details About this job Opportunity click the “Apply Now” Link Below.👇👇👇

How to Apply:- Amazon Off-campus drive (Please Apply before Expire date of the link)

Method 1:- You can apply through the career page of Amazon .

Method 2:- You can apply through the direct link. which has been Provided.

To Apply Through Direct link:-

Step 1:- Click below Apply Now link.

Step 2:– You will be redirected to the career page of Amazon .

Step 3:– Fill in all required details in the form for which job you are applying:

Step 4:- Click on Submit Button.

Step 5:- Wait for a few days you will get a response from the Amazon soon regarding your interview Process

Amazon Off-campus drive 2023 Freshers

Click Here To Apply For The Job: Apply Now

😊 Thanks for visiting our Website. You will get a better opportunity soon. Best Of Luck. 👍

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