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Koch Is hiring fresh candidates as BI developers. We are here to inform you of all the recently going on off-campus drives. Koch off campus drive 2022. We are here to help you to find a better career. W3hiring is also called worldwide web hiring. Please start your career as a fresher here at Koch. Koch is a reputed company and you get a better experience here by working as fresh candidates. All managers at Koch are working friendly. you feel stuck They will Manage everything and give you time to build yourself confidently, a hard worker as well as the smart worker. Apart from that if you have any query related to work or you are not able to do a particular task or you have any error which you can’t solve. All the seniors are very friendly with the fresh candidates at Koch and they will teach you “how to solve real-life problems”.
Some Important Details About Job Description
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📢 Koch is hiring Fresher’s📯
👮 Role:- BI Developer
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👨🎓 Education:- BE/B-Tech
💪Experience:- Fresher’s
🌍Location:- Banglore
💰Salary:- 3 LPA+
Job responsibilities
- Design and develop dashboards that cater to the business requirement. Create visual story board(s) to highlight business metrics and KPI’s.
- Break down the business problems to workable dashboard models. Design layouts to cater to the key metrics.
- Create innovative, interactive dashboards and scorecards for key performance indicators that are tailored to customers
- Maintain existing dashboards and build new intuitive dashboards to illustrate results from predictive models for advanced analytics projects
- Work simulteaneaously on projects across with multiple domains like Supply Chain, Sales, Travel & Expenses, Finance and Operation Excellence.
- Think through a business scenario’s, flow ot data points and drill down sequences
- Test data for accuracy and adaptability to requirement
- Collaborate with business analysts to find the best way to present the results
- Tech, train, share knowledge with peers
We Need.
- 0-1 years of post-bachelor’s degree experience presenting and providing meaningful business insights from data using Power BI and / or having copectual knowledge of Tableau/Qlik.
- Experience working with multiple disparate data sources PowerBI and / or Tableau and/or Qlik
- Hand-on Experience in managing large datasets from ETL tools and integrate with BI Viz solutions.
- Experience building and inheriting role-level security requirements at the enterprise level
- Experience with data model optimization and strong understanding of different data modeling techniques
- Bachelor’s/Masters degree in Computer Science/Information technology OR equivalent qualification
- Experience analyzing and visualizing unstructured data
- Experience using ETL Tools
How to Apply for Koch Offcampus Drive 🙁Please Apply before Expire date of link)
Method 1:- You can apply through the career page of the company.
Method 2:- You can apply through the direct link we have been Provided blow As “Apply Now”.
To Apply Through Direct link:-
Step 1:- Click below the “Apply Now” link.
Step 2:– You will be redirected to the career page of the company.
Step 3:– Fill all required details in the form for which job you are applying:
Step 4:- Click on Submit Button.
Step 5:- Wait for a few days you will get a response from the company soon regarding your interview Process.
Best Of Luck
Apply Now:- Click Here