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Netwest Group Off-campus drive 2023 Freshers:-
Job Description
Netwest Group Is hiring fresh candidates. We are here to inform you of all the recent going on off-campus drives. Netwest Group off-campus drive 2022. We are here to help you to find a better career. W3hiring is also called worldwide web hiring. Please start your career as a fresher here at Netwest Group. Netwest Group is a reputed organization and you get a better experience here by working as fresh candidate. All managers at Netwest Group are working friendly. if you feel stuck They will Manage everything and give you time to build yourself confidently, a hard worker as well as the smart worker. Apart from that if you have any query related to work or you are not able to do a particular task or you have any error which you can’t solve. All the seniors are very friendly with the fresh candidates at Netwest Group and they will teach you “how to solve real-life problems”.
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Join us as a Software Engineer, Associate
- In your new role, you’ll engineer and maintain innovative, customer-centric, high-performance, secure and robust solutions
- We’ll look to you to design and engineer software focusing on the customer or user experience as the primary objective
- It’s a chance to hone your existing technical skills and advance your career as you develop the discipline of software engineering across the business
- This role is available at the associate level
What you’ll do
As a Software Engineer, Associate, you’ll design, develop and deploy applications capable of meeting and exceeding the anticipated load, performance, and availability volumes, including load balancing, performance testing, and benchmarking.
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You’ll be working within a feature team and using your extensive experience to engineer software, scripts, and tools that are often complex, as well as liaising with other engineers, architects, and business analysts across the platform.
You’ll also be:
- Producing high-quality software which adds value to the business
- Working in permanent teams on the full life cycle, from initial development, through enhancement and maintenance to replacement or decommissioning
- Collaborating to optimize our software engineering capability
- Designing, producing, testing, and implementing our working code
- Working across the life cycle, from requirements analysis and design, through coding to testing, deployment, and operations
The skills you’ll need
You’ll need a background in software engineering, software design, architecture, and an understanding of how your area of expertise supports our customers. You’ll also have experience in test-driven development alongside the use of automated test frameworks, mocking or stubbing, and unit testing tools.
We’ll expect you to have experience in implementing programming best practices, especially around scalability, automation, virtualization, optimization, availability, and performance. Ideally, you’ll also have a background in solving highly complex, analytical, and numerical problems.
You’ll also need:
- Experience working with code repositories, bug-tracking tools, and wikis, as well as experience in designing and implementing APIs
- Coding experience in multiple programming languages
- Experience with DevOps and Agile methodology and associated toolsets and methodologies
- Knowledge of relational, in-memory, distributed, and NoSQL databases
To Know More Details About this job Opportunity click the “Apply Now” Link Below.

How to Apply:- Netwest Group Off-campus drive (Please Apply before Expire date of the link)
Method 1:- You can apply through the career page of Netwest Group.
Method 2:- You can apply through the direct link. which has been Provided.
To Apply Through Direct link:-
Step 1:- Click below Apply Now link.
Step 2:– You will be redirected to the career page of Netwest Group.
Step 3:– Fill in all required details in the form for which job you are applying:
Step 4:- Click on Submit Button.
Step 5:- Wait for a few days you will get a response from the Netwest Group soon regarding your interview Process
Netwest Group Off-campus drive 2023 Freshers
Click Here To Apply For The Job: Apply Now
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