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TCS HackQuest Off Campus Drive 2023 For Associate Software Engineer|| Freshers ||BE/B-Tech/ME/M-Tech/BCA/BSc/MSc || Across India|| 5LPA*

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TCS Off-campus drive 2023 Freshers:-

Job Description

TCS Is hiring fresh candidates. We are here to inform you of all the recent going on off-campus drives. TCS off-campus drive 2022. We are here to help you to find a better career. W3hiring is also called worldwide web hiring. Please start your career as a fresher here at TCS. TCS is a reputed organization and you get a better experience here by working as fresh candidate. All managers at TCS are working friendly. if you feel stuck They will Manage everything and give you time to build yourself confidently, a hard worker as well as the smart worker. Apart from that if you have any query related to work or you are not able to do a particular task or you have any error which you can’t solve. All the seniors are very friendly with the fresh candidates at TCS and they will teach you “how to solve real-life problems”.


Hacking as an organized activity is gaining continuous traction. The rise of ethical hacking has emerged as a much-needed counter-control to organized and state-sponsored hacking activities. Given the compulsion of the recent pandemic, endpoints of organizations have also “gone home”, it is essential now more than ever for the massive ethical hacking community to be ready to keep a hawk’s eye on this.

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We need to create an army to protect data with the same zealousness of an army that guards a country’s physical borders. We need them to be conversant with the way data is stored, moved, and used. With the network line blurred between office and home, our data is more at risk than ever before. How can we ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our data?

In this backdrop, TCS Cyber Security Unit is looking for students and enthusiasts who have a passion for ethical hacking and in general securing the digital future of organizations engaged in transacting millions of data points across the world!

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The Contest

HackQuest started in 2016 as an earnest attempt to unearth specific talents who exceled in playing their favorite game – Catch the Flag! Based on the popular ‘Catch the Flag’ (CTF) format, the contest presents a set of challenges to be completed in 6 hours. Each challenge evaluates their ethical hacking skills and their special competency in finding vulnerabilities. In the end, associates are awarded with special prizes and potential job offers from TCS in the Cyber Security Unit.


The contest is open for the 2022 and 2023 batch of B.Tech / M.Tech / BCA / MCA / BSc / MSc from all disciplines and all the relevant institutes in India.


Students from all IT & Computer Science related disciplines with bachelor’s or master’s degree are eligible for the contest provided that they meet the TCS recruitment criteria. Candidates trained in Security domains as listed below would be given more preference:

  • Application Security
  • Network Security
  • Java/J2EE, php, python. GO
  • Information security and risk management
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Any Security specific certification like Security+, CEH, ISO 27001, et

The contest is open for the 2022 and 2023 batch of B.Tech / M.Tech / BCA / MCA / BSc / MSc from all disciplines and all the relevant institutes in India.

To Know More Details About this job Opportunity click the “Apply Now” Link Below.👇👇👇

How to Apply:- TCS Off-campus drive (Please Apply before Expire date of the link)

Method 1:- You can apply through the career page of TCS.

Method 2:- You can apply through the direct link. which has been Provided.

To Apply Through Direct link:-

Step 1:- Click below Apply Now link.

Step 2:– You will be redirected to the career page of TCS.

Step 3:– Fill in all required details in the form for which job you are applying:

Step 4:- Click on Submit Button.

Step 5:- Wait for a few days you will get a response from the TCS soon regarding your interview Process

TCS Off-campus drive 2023 Freshers

Click Here To Apply For The Job: Apply Now

😊 Thanks for visiting our Website. You will get a better opportunity soon. Best Of Luck. 👍

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